As usual, we were able to rely on you entirely. When it comes to producing our brochures and the time frames associated with this, that’s critical both for us and our agency, and for this I’m genuinely grateful! Please do pass on my thanks to everyone involved. Thank you so much for the excellent teamwork.
Proofreading: Dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s to ensure your success.
Even the best marketing texts can contain mistakes. Fortunately, our professional proofreaders are tirelessly on the lookout for them. Whether the texts will be printed or appear online, our proofreading procedure includes spelling, grammar and punctuation – in addition, we also ensure a CI-compliant linguistic style and that pithy expressions and idiomatic language are used. With the help of approved glossaries or style guides, everything we do will always be geared towards the corporate identity of your company. We will dot the i’s and cross the t’s to make sure that you stand out for all the right reasons.
The benefits for you of proofreading with Schmieder.
Whether printed or online, we ensure that your texts are free of errors and can be easily understood; texts that not only speak the language of your company, but your customers too. Professional proofreading is absolutely critical, especially in the field of marketing.
Thorough and rigorous.
We find every single mistake, because we check every single thing: not just spelling, grammar, punctuation and typography, but expressions, language style and the coherence of the content too.CI-compliant revisions.
We proofread every single text with your corporate identity in mind at all times. To ensure that we always hit the right note for your company, we like to use reference material in the form of approved glossaries or style guides.Any language.
No mistakes.
We proofread and correct your advertising material in over 80 languages – leaving you to impress your international audience with flawless texts. One single service provider.
Proofreading the source text is the perfect way to lay the groundwork for a top-quality translation. By integrating this seamlessly into our process, we can turn around projects more quickly.Around the world in over 80 languages.
Voilà, vamos! As a marketing translation agency, we are fluent in more than 80 languages. We also understand the humour, feelings and desires of your target groups and ensure that your marketing message is not just understood, but is memorable too. Below is a small selection of our core languages:

Looking for a professional proofreading service for your marketing texts?
Send us your enquiry or give us a call.
Got a question? We have the answer.
What are the benefits of proofreading to ISO standard?
Proofreading to ISO standard is an overall check of the translation. We recommend proofreading to ISO standard by a second native speaker for printed texts in particular. A second native-speaking professional translator with at least the same qualifications will compare the translation against the source text sentence by sentence. In addition to checking the content, the sentence structure, spelling, punctuation and style are also checked.
How do we find the right translators?
When selecting your team of translators, we not only ensure that they have the right professional background, but the perfect style too. While accuracy plays a key role in legal texts and it’s essential that the correct terms are used in technical documents, creativity can occasionally be given free rein when it comes to translating marketing texts. We are also happy to provide you with a couple of suggestions and you can then choose your team.
What is the difference between proofreading and editing?
Proofreading is about checking whether the text is linguistically correct. Attention is paid to spelling, grammar and punctuation. Editing goes beyond this. Language consistency is also checked, while the language style is improved and any misleading passages are reworded as necessary.
Who translates the text?
At Schmieder, professional translators translate exclusively into their respective mother tongue. Our team consists of highly qualified language experts who specialise in a wide variety of fields. This enables us to find the perfect match for your texts every time.